Believe in Yourselves?
See Midwives.

A Better Next Birth
Believe in Yourselves? Start Here.
A Better Next Birth: Unlocking the Potential for an Extraordinary Experience Birthing Your Next Baby
This audio-only, private podcast is a comprehensive and proven system that equips birth givers and their partners to have a better birth experience the second time around. Developed by a midwife with over 16 years of experience in supporting couples during childbirth, the course provides step-by-step guidance and support for both life giver and their partner to help participants manifest their most powerful expression of birth, embody their courage, self-trust, and safety, and become the Champions of their birthing experience.

The course is designed for individuals who have already birthed, who believe they might be able to birth unmedicated, and who are open to having a super great birth experience. By the end of the course, students will have the skills and confidence to recognize their Trailblazing power, love their birth experience, get thrilled by their partner's support, make informed baby-making decisions, take charge of their delivery room, and share their inspiring birth story with others.

Free Podcast
Little Family, this is for YOU. Having your NEXT birth and not sure how it will go? This podcast shares Baby #1 birth stories and how these families got something they were much happier with for baby #2. You will hear triumph and relief, the HOWs and the WHYs. You will hear from moms and dads like you who were looking for something better AND GOT IT!
Audio Course
All - Ears, You will manifest your most powerful expression of your birth. You will transform "I'm pretty sure I can..." into "I DID THAT!" You will feel aligned with your body, your baby, and your partner and express this for optimum support for an extraordinary birth of (not your first) baby.

The World's First
Birth Prep Course for
"Second Time Parents Who Had a Hard First Birth."

Where You’ve Been
Trauma from past birth weighing on you
Not sure where you went wrong
Wanting it to be so much better
Not sure if it CAN be better
Not sure HOW to make it better
No time to write it all down, no way to process it
Experience not lovingly held or validated by your community or our society
Where We're Going
Empowerment through
Reflection: - Tools for reflecting on your previous birth experience and processing what happened and how you felt. Tap into your inner strength and wisdom to find new power and confidence going into your next birth.
Preparation and Excitement:
Be well-prepared and excited for your next birth experience, with practical tools so you can get an awesome next birth story.

Confidence and Leadership:
You'll feel incredible confidence as a birth giver, knowing that you have the knowledge, skills, and support to make informed decisions and advocate for yourself and your baby. You'll also have an enhanced sense of yourself as a leader in your community, inspiring others with your story and experience.
A Better Postpartum Experience: with a better birth comes a less exhausted postpartum experience, and enhanced bonding with your baby

" I am as bad as the worst,
but, thank God, I am as good as the best. "
Walt Whitman

Where Your Partner’s Been
Your Partner is suffering preparing for this birth
Your Partner fears this birth
Your Partner feels helpless in supporting you
Your Partner feels unsure about whether a better birth is possible
Your Partner wants all the drugs, bells and whistles because last time was “so bad.”
Where We’re Going
Your Partner Will Have Reason to Hope:
The course will provide practical techniques to help decrease fear and increase hope for Partner/ Dad.
Improves Mood and Boosts Confidence: Removing some of the charge from your First Birth, your partner will be more able to be gentle with themselves and you around your coming birth.
Increases "I Can Do This" Attitude: The course will help Partners feel more capable and empowered in their ability to support you. This will help them overcome any challenges or obstacles that may arise during the birthing experience

Empowering Birth Experience: The course will provide Partners with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to achieve an empowering birth, where they feel in control, informed, and supported. This will help them approach the birthing experience with a greater sense of empowerment and agency.
Improves Confidence as a Father/Partner: Partners will gain more confidence in their ability to support the birthing person during labor and delivery. They'll also feel more confident in their role as a father and partner, with a greater sense of connection and investment in their family.
Improves Confidence as Protector and Provider: Partners will have an improved sense of self as a protector and provider for you. After your birth, they'll feel more connected to their community and more capable of leaving a positive impact on the world around them, starting with their own family.

"Your body is not a lemon"
Ina May Gaskin, Midwife

Where You’ve Been...
When should my midwife come? When should I go to the birth center or hospital?
I’m Lost: What if they...?
My Dr said I should get induced - should I?
I wanted to move around but they made me stay in the bed!
I don’t want to tear again!! That was really painful! I definitely don’t want to be CUT!
Where We’re Going
Clear Strong inner compass and self navigating
Clear messaging
Safety in self/ves as Informed and ready Mother/ Birth Giver & Partner/ Parents
Feeling steady and ready
Calm certain confidence about carefully decided options - Realizing the truth of yourselves as the decision makers

Frequently Asked Questions
What is this course about?This course is designed to help you achieve an extraordinary and empowering birth experience for your next baby. You'll learn practical pathways to redesign your next birth and to communicate with your care team. You'll have the opportunity to reflect on your previous birth experience, process emotions or trauma, and tap into your inner strength and wisdom to find new power and confidence going into your next birth.
Who is this course for?This course is for birthing parents and their partners who have already birthed a baby, want to be able to birth on their own terms, and are open to having a more positive and empowering birth experience the second or subsequent! time around
How does the course work?The course is an online audio-only, private podcast that you can access anytime, anywhere, at your own pace. You'll receive access to all the course materials as soon as you enroll, and can listen to the episodes on podcast players spotify and apple podcasts. You'll also have access to additional resources, including a private community forum, where you can connect with other course participants and ask questions.
How long is the course?The course consists of 7 modules, ranging in length from a few minutes to 30 minutes each. The exact length of the course will depend on your own pace of listening and reflection
Is there any homework or assignments?The course is designed to be self-paced andflexible, with no formal homework or assignments. However, there will be suggested exercises and prompts throughout the course to help you reflect on your own experiences and prepare for your upcoming birth. The work you do WITH your partner is the key to this working, so plan to spend at least one date night of intimacy and relationship, talking about your intimate experiences of birth.
What if I have questions or need support during the course?You'll have access to a private community forum, where you can ask questions and connect with other course participants. You can also email the instructor directly if you have specific questions or concerns. Kayti is available for private consultations with one or both partners as an addition to the course
Is there a money-back guarantee?Yes, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the course for any reason, you can request a full refund within 7 days of your enrollment.